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St. Jerome’s reputation rests primarily on his achievements as a translator and as a scriptural exegete. The important service that he rendered to the Church in his doctrinal works is often overlooked or minimized by those who look for originality and independence of thought. St. Jerome was not a theologian in the strict sense of the word. He was no original thinker, and he never abandoned...

revealed to him by the prophecy of Isaia: ‘Of thy sons, they shall be eunuchs, and all the vessels of the temple shall be carried into Babylon.’242 Whence, also, it is written in the book of Days: ‘Ezechias fell because his heart was lifted up.’243 Certainly, no one but the ungodly will deny that Ezechias was a just man. You may say: ‘He sinned in certain things and, therefore, he ceased to be just.’ But Scripture does not say this. For he did not lose the title of just because he committed small
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